…To the Tune of 500 Cars

In spite of COVID, my life has become overfull once again.  This summer I let something go that freed up my Sundays, and in return, I’ve decided to get back on the street with signs. 

But before I get to this week’s sign-holding adventures, I am compelled to share with you my current reading project:  Peace Pilgrim, her life and work in her own words, compiled by some of her friends.  This remarkable book is free for the asking, and I would encourage you to ask!

I used to call myself “Peace Pilgrim, Too,” — there was actually a Peace Pilgrim Two, although I only learned about him recently – and after reading Peace’s words, I feel undeserving of the title. 

Even so, Peace Pilgrim didn’t expect anyone else to follow in her footsteps, and she knew that any peace movement starts with inner peace and moves outward.  Of her many wise thoughts, the idea that evil can’t be overcome with evil; only good can overcome evil, is the overreaching theme of her life as Peace Pilgrim.  For me, she is one of the great heroes of the 20th Century (along with Fred Rogers,) and with any luck, her words will someday become biblical.

As I mentioned earlier, I have made time for sign holding, starting last Sunday.  This happened to be one of the cooler days during this otherwise-hot-weather spate.  As I stood on the corner of 5th and Water in Northfield, strains of band music were easily heard, and pedestrians were drawn to it as lemmings to the sea.  We were all enjoying the Vintage Band Festival just a block away at Bridge Square.

While I love the pedestrian traffic because it gives me a chance to chat with those who have questions, lowering the signs while they cross the street as a safety precaution reduces the number of cars that I reach.

So while the car count was actually somewhere north of 842, to avoid hyperbole I am reporting only 500, a nice round number.

In Northfield the response is mostly positive.  On this day and for the first time, one car’s driver flashed the peace sign while the passenger gave me the finger.  A wash, I guess.  No matter what, I am always happy to stand somewhere and share a message of peace, hope, love, harmony.  And that day, to the strains of the Vintage Band Festival, we were able to enjoy all three.

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